Haaa...ni la expression org kawin yg overrr.....haha....kiteorg kan mmg overr....im so hapie sebab my official photog dah upload pict2 kami...even kami lom dpt DVDnya lagik..... atleast terubat la windu nak tgk aksi2 kami yg overeacting ketika di lokasi kejadian...ahhahaha......firstly thanks to Allah that make my big day a perfect day...thnkss to all my frend yg dtg jauh2....tnhkss to my lovely,dabomb makeup artist..kak munie and lya....to my photog bro radzi...and all my family membersss.....exspecially my CREWWwsss....haha...xleh tahan ayat budak2 tu....
"cikya..ni kiteorg dah pakai baju ni kena wat keje ape nih"
hahaha.....suke nak wat keje ekk....nnt suruh cuci toilet kang..hahaha.....this will be the coolest memoriess in my life....xleh gmbrkan kegembiraan aku....owh lupe...thnks gak to my kechik cousin frm lumut...anak pak ngah...kak atehh...hihihi....yg telah memblog kan gua didalam blog nya dgn penuh sekuelll sekali....yeahh...will meet soon @ endau..yeahaaa....gua mmg over
nahh....link post kak ateh....
nahh....nak tgk pict over2 dari my photog..klik kat link ni...bagi kengkawan yg nak kawin...gua rekemennn bro ni amik gmbr korang...sgt bestt.....sebabnya...korang leh jadi diri korang sendiri...jgn pedulik ape org nak ckp....and thats mee....sesape yg kenal gua..sure tahu mmg yaya mcm tu...hahaha......
tengkiuuu all...tengkiuuu...waaa..sedey.....
nahh....link post kak ateh....
nahh....nak tgk pict over2 dari my photog..klik kat link ni...bagi kengkawan yg nak kawin...gua rekemennn bro ni amik gmbr korang...sgt bestt.....sebabnya...korang leh jadi diri korang sendiri...jgn pedulik ape org nak ckp....and thats mee....sesape yg kenal gua..sure tahu mmg yaya mcm tu...hahaha......
tengkiuuu all...tengkiuuu...waaa..sedey.....
dah macam pari-pari lak... neways, semua pose cun-cun..
ur rowkss
i suker wedding u~
eiza....besstttt sgttt....xsabar nak tggu album siap....
rai...thnks drop by ma blog...i pon skeee....my dream wedd..theme = sempoi n nice!haha
saya pun sukee... heee
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